Wednesday, December 14, 2022

New policies announcement "Required Employee Training Policy" and "Adobe Sign Configuration and Use Policy" effective 1 January 2023

 Dear Faculty and Staff:

Merry Christmas to you all. We are emailing you to announce two new policies which were recently approved by the President's Cabinet. 
Both policies will be in effect in the new calendar year 1 January 2023. Brief summaries of both policies are below.

What do I need to do?
  1. Catch up on your training and encourage your peers to catch up on their training! To see what has been assigned to you, log into Malone Xpress and click the KnowBe4 training link from the launchpad. The icon looks something like this:

  2. If you are a department chair or manager, you will be able to see a "Team Dashboard" which shows you what your team has due. If you are manager of managers or a dean of chairs, you will see a drop down menu to view the different team dashboards which answer to you. The "second warnings" will start to be sent in mid to late January (see policy section 3.3.2). Let us know if you see employees which need removed or added to your team dashboards.
  3. If you are interested in using Adobe Sign, please follow the guidelines in the policy and let the Help Desk know who in your department you want to be set up to use it.
Please contact the IT Help Desk if you have any questions or issues. We can be reached via email at , via the web at or by phone at 330.471.8428.

Required Employee Training Policy - full policy found in FAQ415
Approved By: President’s Cabinet
Date Approved: Thursday, 17 November 2022, effective 1 January 2023
Date Last Amended: Tuesday, 13 December 2022
Date of Next Review: 15 May 2025
Team[s] Responsible: Human Resources, Information Technologies

1. Purpose
Employee training is a vital and required part of working at Malone University. This policy defines the process of compliance and enforcement for Malone employee training

2. Overview
  • All employees of Malone University must take regularly assigned training related to their working with the students, faculty, staff, and larger University community.
  • This policy applies to all Malone University employees whether full or part-time. It will selectively apply to student workers, members of student organizations, volunteers, contractors, and others who might work with our student body or information related to the operation of the University.
  • As an employer and institution of higher education in the United States of America, there are a variety of regulations and legislation to which we are beholden. Regular employee training is one way in which the University can remain compliant with those rules.

    Engaging and completing regular training demonstrates a care for the students, faculty, staff, and the larger Malone University community and aligns well with the University’s foundational principles in that, “We value and foster intellectual breadth and virtue, believing that individuals who seek Christ's Kingdom First are called to embark on a lifelong process of learning.”

Adobe Sign Configuration and Use Policy - full policy found in FAQ416
Approved By: University Cabinet
Date Approved: 8 December 2022, effective 1 January 2023
Date Last Amended: Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Date of Next Review: 10 May 2024
Team[s] Responsible: Business Office and Information Technologies1. 

1. Purpose

This policy governs the set up, configuration, and management of Adobe Sign on Malone University’s campus. This includes billback for each department’s use of the system.

2. Overview
  • Adobe Sign is available for use by all academic and administrative departments on campus.
  • We have a contracted per use transaction cost established between Malone and Adobe through the AICUO.
  • This policy is built so that all parties understand the abilities and the cost structure.
  • The service page is

Thursday, December 8, 2022

SSO Transition update #3 - MFA methods and Authenticator Apps

Hello Malone University Students, Faculty, and Staff:

Malone Xpress was converted to the new SSO system on Wednesday. This was a day later than expected because of some technical glitches in Malone Xpress. We have fielded several calls about the best way to set up your multi factor authentication so this post is dedicated to the types of questions that we have received from you in the past week or two.

There is no cost for MFA

You DO NOT NEED TO PAY for any services related to MFA at Malone. We have fielded several calls where users are being prompted to sign up for a subscription for their MFA authenticator apps. When I search the IOS App Store for “Microsoft Authenticator,” the first result is an ad for a third party app. The second result is the actual “Microsoft Authenticator App” the link to the correct iOS download is here. The Android app is here.

You can use any compatible authenticator app. I personally use Google’s authenticator app (download for iOS or Android). 

Whichever app you choose, this same app can be used for any service - banking, services, social media, etc. - that supports authenticator MFA.

More than one MFA method

There are four different mechanisms for multi-factor authentication which can be used. We recommend you set up at least two in case one fails or isn't available to you when you need it:
  • An authenticator app such as the ones from Microsoft or Google <--most secure and recommended.
  • Phone - you can be called or texted a verification code.
  • Alternate phone - a backup method in case the phone you set up is not available.
  • Office phone - this would call a third number you specify and read a code to you.
Even after you have completed the initial set up of your MFA methods, you can update which methods for MFA you want to use in your Microsoft profile's security section:

How do Authenticator apps work?

When setting up a new service in your authenticator app, the most common method is for you to scan a QR code that the service will show to you during the set up. If you choose to use a different authenticator app than Microsoft’s, you will need to select that option during set up.

The process requires you set up a connection between your chosen authenticator app and whatever service(s) requires MFA. This connection is unique and is based on your smartphone’s hardware, a secure key managed by that service, and the current time. Every minute or so, a new valid key is generated by the app using these three pieces of information. That code expires every minute so that even if it was somehow stolen, it would stop working within sixty seconds. 
How the code is calculated is created is based on some very clever math that Kyle Calderhead, David Hahn, or Shawn Campbell could explain to you. If you take the algorithms course, you would be able to explain it like they can!

Things to watch for when using an Authenticator App

  • When moving to a new phone, be sure to transition your MFA set up to the new device. This usually  means opening the authenticator app on the old and new phones at the same time and scanning a code shown on the old phone screen with the camera from the new phone. This migration cannot be done just by restoring your device from a backup because it is unique to the hardware of your device. Remember to completely wipe your old device before discarding, reselling, or giving it to someone else.
  • Many services will give you backup or rescue codes that can be used instead of the MFA app. Be sure to store these securely someplace. We suggest printing these rescue codes and storing them in your files somewhere. Do not save them to a digital file on your computers or devices. These codes can be used to recover your ability to log in say, if you drop your phone in a lake or it is stolen.

Friday, December 2, 2022

SSO transition update - Malone Xpress scheduled for Tuesday, 6 December

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:

We are making steady and positive progress moving all of our services and systems to our new SSO platform (Microsoft Azure AD). 

Malone Xpress is scheduled to be moved over to the new system early Tuesday morning, 6 December 2022. This will be when most students, faculty, and staff will be required to set up their password reset and authentication factors.

At this point, you may want to review our last message. It contains more details about what we are doing. But here is a shorter version that tells you only what you need to know and what to do...

  1. Go to and sign in with your email address. If you are prompted to log in using your "personal" or "work or school" account, choose "work or school" account.
  2. Set up your password self-service reset options and your multi-factor authentication options. 
You can do this now so you won't need to do it later. You can also choose to wait, but later you will be required to set it up. This would not be fantastic if you were forced to do this during a time-crunch, e.g., about to take a test, late for a meeting, assignment deadline.

You can review a complete schedule of services which are completed or scheduled in this Google Sheet ( account required to access).

More information
As of writing this message, about a 100 users have completely set up themselves with MFA and password reset. Nearly 300 of you have set up your password reset information. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

New Single Sign on and Multifactor Authentication is Coming - Set up your password reset!

Dear Malone Students, Faculty, and Staff:

The Information Technologies office has been working on moving all of our servers and systems over to a new Active Directory service and SingleSignOn [SSO], i.e., one password, many systems. This service will pave the way for secure, safe, and reliable access to Malone systems for the next twenty plus years. Our old directory,, has lasted about 25 years!

If you are downloading Microsoft Office for your personal computers or using Office 365's cloud applications, you are already using the new SSO system. This is based on Microsoft's AzureAD technology. Starting sometime in December all University systems which use SSO (and even a few new ones) will begin to use the new SSO.

Current (Old) SSO page

New SSO Page

The new SSO page is available at: . As of this writing it looks something like these:
once you type in your malone email address, the page will change to this:

So what? Do I need to do anything?

We are so glad you asked. Yes. Please sign into with your email address and password. You will be asked to set up your password reset mechanisms. The new service offers several different methods of password reset:
  1. question and answer pairs
  2. text message to a registered cell phone
  3. authenticator app
  4. rescue email
Set this up now so you aren't forced to when it is inconveniant and you need to access some service in December or January.

Multi-Factor Authentication [MFA]

We will be requiring multi-factor authentication [MFA] for all active students, faculty, and staff. MFA is an important security enhancement. It helps ensure that your Malone data and personal information stored in Malone's systems stays secure from would-be attackers.

The most common form of MFA is a sms/text verification. When required, the system will send you a text message with a code in it. This is a mechanism that many of you are already familiar with if you do online banking or another secured service. This will not be an every-time-you sign-in thing, but will be required when connecting to Malone services from a new machine or if you are connecting from a new physical location.

An alternative, optional, and slightly more secure form of MFA authenticaion is to use an authenticator app like Google Authenticator (iOS and Android) which will generate a rotating code that - when you are asked/prompted for it - you will type in when signing into a Malone service. You will need to do this when you sign into a Malone service using a new web browser or device or perhaps when your location or network has changed significantly. 

Timeline for the Change

The Information Technologies department will begin transitioning some minor services in the next couple weeks (Mid November start). It is very likely that the next time you sign into the IT Help Desk system, you will need to sign in through the new SSO service. All SSO-able [sic] online services will be switched by the end of January 2023.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Welcome Back Students! Fall 2022 Edition

Good morning from the Information Technologies Office. Welcome back! Here are some tech items that may be of interest to you. In this edition:

  • Changes to Xpress (student edition)
  • Themes in Gmail
  • Connecting to Wifi
  • Microsoft Office is free
  • Update your Q&A pairs
  • How to get help

Changes to Xpress

Xpress is the place you go when you don't know where to find stuff. It is the launchpad from which students, faculty, and staff can get to all-things-Malone which are online. Mid-July saw a major revamp of the way that Xpress is structured. Here is a summary of those changes. 

Quicklinks and Launchpad

  • Note the Quick Links portlet (box #1) located on the left navigation bar (this is hidden by the arrow when viewing on a mobile device). Links in this section show the same for ALL Xpress users including the public who have not signed into Xpress.

  • The Launchpad portlet (box #2) has been revised to better describe what you are clicking. The icons and links in this section change depending on what roles you are assigned on campus. The view for faculty is different than the view for staff is different than the view for students. Be sure to explore the different features in launchpad including the computer lab availability maps and the "Phiz" (campus people directory)

  • Search (arrow #3). Users may now click the Magnifying Glass icon at the top-right corner of the screen to conduct a site-wide search for a specific phrase.

  • Announcements (arrow #4) can be scheduled to show up and expire and can also be targeted at specific groups on campus. Announcements show up based on a person's role/group and will show up for them on any tabs where there is an announcement portlet.

For Students

  • Students may now view their course schedule, ePioneer account information, and advisor information from the homepage of the Student tab.
  • All handouts intended for students have been moved to the Student Resources page found in the Student tab.
  • The former Student Accounts and Financial Aid pages have been combined into a single page called Student Accounts and Billing found in the Student tab.

Tab owners

Do you see a discrepency on a tab or page or want to add something or make changes? Each tab has an "owner" which is designated on the bottom right column of each tab. The tab owner is empowered to make changes to the tab and any pages found on the tab. 

Gmail Themes enabled

Not a huge deal, but you can now pick a theme in your gmail interface. 1) Click the Settings "Gear" icon and 2) choose from a variety of themes for your gmail screen.

Connecting to Wifi

Your fastest and most reliable connection on campus is through the EDUROAM network. The EDUROAM network is available at other Universities, airports, and even some businesses all over the world and you, Malone student/faculty/staff member, will be able to connect to those WIFI locations automatically. 
Sign into EDUROAM with your full email address and Malone password. For more detailed instructions, click through to FAQ188

Microsoft Office is free

As long as you are actively enrolled in classes in a current or future term, you will have access to Office365 for free. Instructions for accessing and downloading your copy of office are in FAQ313 for windows and FAQ314 for Mac.

Update your Q&A pairs and SSO changes

A new year and a new semester, it might be wise to doublecheck and update your Q&A pairs in the password self-service portal. Click on the Gear icon in the Launchpad on XPress:

and then select the "I want to view or change my security questions" option. 

Changes to Single Sign On. We do want to let you know that sometime in the next few months we will be switching our single sign on platform to Microsoft Azure AD. Several things will happen when this is completed.
  • You will need to set up your self-service question and answer pairs again
  • Multifactor authentication will be turned on making your accounts and information more secure.
  • The web page for single sign on will look and operate differently than the current white page with Malone logo.

How to get help

You can sign into the IT Help Desk system from the Launchpad:

Once you are logged in, you can search our FAQs [Frequently Asked Questions], view any open or historical requests you have made, or ask us for help with a new question/issue. Remember that we cannot fix a problem if we do not know about it! You can also email us at or call us at 330.471.8428.

Blessings on the new semester!

Monday, August 8, 2022

Welcome Back Faculty and Staff! Fall 2022 Edition

Good morning from the Information Technologies Office. This post is targeted towards faculty and staff, though students might glean some good information too! In a week or so, there will be a student version titled [rather uncreatively I might add] "Welcome back students!" 

In this edition:

  • Changes to Xpress (staff and faculty edition)
  • Tips for Moodle Use
  • Tools for Teaching and Your First Day of Class

Changes to Xpress

Xpress is the place you go when you don't know where to find stuff. It is the launchpad from which students, faculty, and staff can get to all-things-Malone which are online. Mid-July saw a major revamp of the way that Xpress is structured. Here is a summary of those changes. 

Quicklinks and Launchpad

  • Note the Quick Links portlet (box #1) located on the left navigation bar (this is hidden by the arrow when viewing on a mobile device). Links in this section show the same for ALL Xpress users including the public who have not signed into Xpress.

  • The Launchpad portlet (box #2) has been revised to better describe what you are clicking. The icons and links in this section change depending on what roles you are assigned on campus. The view for faculty is different than the view for staff is different than the view for students.

  • Search (arrow #3). Users may now click the Magnifying Glass icon at the top-right corner of the screen to conduct a site-wide search for a specific phrase.

  • Announcements (arrow #4) can be scheduled to show up and expire and can also be targeted at specific groups on campus. Announcements show up based on a person's role/group and will show up for them on any tabs where there is an announcement portlet.

Changes to tabs

  • The "Faculty" tab has been renamed to TeachingThe Teaching tab has had everything not relevant to working with the courses you are teaching and your advisees removed.

  • The Employee tab was previously called "Staff." All information pertaining to employment for faculty and staff, such as the Human Resources page, can now be found under the Employee tab.

Tab owners

Do you see a discrepency on a tab or page or want to add something or make changes? Each tab has an "owner" which is designated on the bottom right column of each tab. The tab owner is empowered to make changes to the tab and any pages found on the tab. 

Tips for Moodle Use

Faculty and instructors are reminded that each class you teach - whether online, ground, or hybrid - should have a course shell where you have at least the following elements included:
  • Course syllabus
  • A News Forum (a regularly updated, one-stop shop for general announcements to the class)
  • Student Question Forum (a threaded discussion where students can ask questions of the instructor and of each other)
  • Course Calendar (listing all assignment and evaluation due dates) which works in conjunction with...
  • the Moodle Gradebook (grades entered and updated regularly so that students can track their course progress in real time)

Using Moodle creates a consistent user experience for our students. Request that your course shell be activated through the Distance Learning Office's Lexie Filla. The link to request a course shell is here.

Tools for Teaching and Your First Day of Class

The Chronicle email in my inbox this am links to an article titled, "How to Teach a Good First Day of Class: Advice Guide" by James M. Lang. It frames several ideas about the first day of class with the following four principles:
  • Curiosity
  • Community
  • Learning
  • Expectations
We thought it might be useful to give you links on how to use some of the tools at Malone to do some of the things that Dr. Lang refers to:
  • Picture Directories of the students enrolled in your courses are automatically generated for you for all current and future courses which you are the primary instructor. These are accessible using our campus directory which is called "The Phiz". Instructions on creating custom groups can be found in FAQ241 in our Help Desk system.

    I know more than one of you download these and pray for your students by name ahead of the start of class. It also affords you the opportunity to be able to greet your students by name when they walk into the learning space.

  • The learning space and tech. We try to maintain a standard compliment of technology in each classroom, but there are some variations in each room. You can view standard configurations in Help Desk FAQ362. We recommend that you visit each of your classrooms ahead of time, sign into the computer in the room, and try out the equipment. The Information Technologies staff is available to meet with you to go over the tech in the classrooms if you choose. Finally, remember that there is the "Help" button on the classroom control panel. This pages IT staff and we will show up in the classroom to help you with any problems you might be encountering either in class or even when you are visiting the classroom ahead of time.

    Synchronous online meetings are still available in both Google Meet as well as Zoom. Take a look at the Moodle guidelines in the previous section to create a consistent user experience for your students in the Learning Management System or take some time to complete the orientation course for faculty in Moodle.

Other teaching technology tools available on campus (a non-exhaustive list)

  1. The Virtual Reality Lab in the Library.
  2. Equipment checkout is available from the IT Help Desk in Haviland Hall for students, faculty, and staff. The list of available equipment is in FAQ77.
  3. Computer labs are available throughout campus. If you are on campus, you can view a map of all computer lab spaces:

    or read through FAQ169. Labs are reserveable like classrooms through the Office of the Registrar.
  4. Other services that the IT Help Desk provides.

Blessings on the new semester!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Summer IT projects and news

Hello Malone Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni:

The updates in this early summer edition. 

  • New Unified Voicemail to Email
  • New ID cards for employees and students 
  • Changes to How You Log into our Systems - single sign on
  • Multi-Factor Authentication - what is it?
  • WWF getting new wired and wireless equipment
  • Malone Xpress refresh

New Unified Voicemail to Email

On 31 May, we transitioned all of our unified messaging over to a new product called Googify. Unified messaging is what allows faculty and staff to receive any voicemails that are left for them in their email box instead of having to check a separate voicemail account. 
Why did we transition? Avaya Communications ended the life of their Esna software product. This is what we were using. Googify is a rewrite of the Esna software. The lead developer of Esna left Avaya and started his own company.  
How does this impact you? You might see some of your unread voicemail messages duplicated in your email inbox. Stay tuned for more features and abilities in this area, but in the meantime, we are business as usual!

New ID cards for employees and students 

Our ID card vendors are finally getting the new printers and the media to print our new cards to us We have been waiting for over a year! We expect the printers to show up in mid-June. 
The new cards will have the RFID chips used for door access and copier logins integral to the card instead of an external sticker. Employees should consider getting their pictures retaken to account for changes in hair style and levels of distinguish-ness [sic]. Look for opportunities from Student Development (students) and Human resources (faculty and staff).

Changes to How You Log into our Systems - single sign on

The IT department is in the middle of a huge transition from our existing Active Directory domain of '' to ''. If everyhing goes to plan, you - our customers - will notice very little change to how you operate. Faculty and staff with Malone-owned computers will have some changes made to them. We will be in touch directly with anyone whose machine needs special attention. Laptops which spend a lot of time off campus will need to be brought back home to have them transitioned to the new set up.

What EVERYONE will notice is that we will start using Microsoft's systems for our single sign in. The familiar

will start to look a little more Microsoft-ish:
with this transition, we will be implementing multi-factor-authentication. Keep reading to find out more about MFA....

Multi-Factor Authentication [MFA]- what is it?

Multi-Factor Authentication or MFA is a pretty straight forward concept once you break it down. Think, "Something I know" (such as a password) and "Something I have" (like a phone or key or code sent to you). Using MFA means that you need to provide at least two ways of proving you are who you say [assert] you are.
Many of you are already using MFA sometime also known as TwoFactor authentication when you sign into your bank or access your retirement portfolios online. 
Why are we doing this? Using MFA to get into Malone systems will greatly improve the information security of our organization. It does not mean that you will have to get a text message or type in a code every time you log in. You will need to get and type in the MFA code at least once the first time you use a particular device or particular web browser. 
It will keep random attackers who figure out your password from logging in from Oklahoma city when you are still in Ohio (this actually happened). 
How can you prepare? If you are already using an app that generates single use MFA codes - apps such at Google's Authenticator (IOS or Android) or Microsoft Authenticator (IOS or Android) - then you will just need to add your email address to those apps. You can also opt to get text messages to confirm your identity. Once your account is moved to the new system, there will be instructions to set it up.
When is this happening? We are actively working on this project. There are a tremendous number of steps we are taking in the background to make this smooth for you. Look for another post here or individual messages in your inboxes when you need to pay attention. It is happening between now and the beginning of August 2022. 

WWF getting new wired and wireless equipment

The IT department has hit summer in full stride just like Physical Plant. As I type, the roofers are on top of Woolman, contractors are core drilling and painting and carpeting in Haviland (I hear the drills pounding directly above my office!), and IT and our contractors are installing brand new WIFI and wired switching equipment in the Woolman Whittier Fox [WWF] residence hall cluster. 
You should expect an excellent wireless connection experience if you are hanging around the WWF buildings when students return this fall. The project is roughly 60% complete with new WIFI access points hung and operational in Fox and Whittier. We are still waiting for the switches (wired) equipment to ship from our suppliers.
Your best wireless experience will be when you are connecting to the EDUROAM network on campus. If you have any questions or any trouble connecting to WIFI, please let the IT Help Desk know. We can be reached via email at , via the web at or by phone at 330.471.8428.

Malone Xpress refresh

We are still finalizing the transition date with our vendor, but in sometime in June we will be updating the look, feel, and content of Malone Xpress. 
What to expect:
  • less clicks to get to what you need. The new Launchpad replaces the quicklinks portlet so you can get immediately to the parts of Xpress that you use the most
  • a more user-centric design. Tabs are relabeled, "Students", "New Students", "Employees", and "Teaching" and the content in those tabs will be re-sorted
  • announcements. The announcements portlet will allow us to send targeted messages to just the right groups of students, faculty, and staff. We hope this will allow a reduction in the amount of email that is sent to campus. Folks that want to get these messages as a "push" can sign up to get notifications while those who are comfortable with a "pull" style of access, i.e., I will go and check if there is a message, can sign into xpress and read their messages
  • you will know who to ask if you get stuck. Each page will show who is in charge of it.