Monday, January 23, 2023

Google Meet Use - recording and presentation tools

Hello Everyone (especially Teaching Faculty):

We have gotten several calls this past week about recording in Google Meet. This week's post (a little late) shows you

  • How to schedule a recurring Google Meet for a class and who can and cannot record a meeting
  • Where the recording tools are located in Google Meet 
  • How to generate transcripts and information on attendance tracking.
  • Other activities like whiteboard, Q&A, and polling features.
  • Where recordings are stored (Your google drive "meet recordings" folder) and how long they're retained.

This week's post is about Google Meet use. Google changed the location of the recording mechanism; moving it into the activity menu. I created a brief video on how to schedule a Google Meet and how to navigate to the activity tools and record your presentation.

Who can Record?

Anyone who is listed as an instructor in a current or upcoming course has the ability to record. This is programmatically set. If you are an instructor, but you lack the ability to record your presentation, make sure that the meeting was scheduled by you and not someone else. 

Recording management

All Google Meet recording are stored in a folder on Google Drive called "Meet Recordings". Recording will last ninety (90) days after which they will be automatically discarded. If you want to keep a recording longer than that, you will need to download it from your Google drive to another location. It can then be re-uploaded into another location on Google Drive. You cannot just move the recording to another location in drive. 

Reach out to the IT Help Desk if you are having any trouble recording or have any questions about Google Meet use. We can be reached via email at , via the web at or by phone at 330.471.8428.

Quick Start for Using Google Meet for recording of synchronous meetings

A less than seven minute tutorial on Google meet recording including transcript and attendance files.

More Resources for Google Meet

There is a fairly exhaustive list of resources located in Google's Help documentation for Google Meet. Pay especial attention to the "during the meeting" section to learn how to use the different features.

Friday, January 13, 2023

SSO Transition #5 - Why are we doing this and good news!

Greeting Malone Community!

Today we learn more about the SSO [Single Sign On] and MFA [Multi Factor Authentication] setup we have adopted at Malone:
  • Google 2 factor error resolved for faculty and staff
  • How often do I need to do the extra MFA step?
  • How do I change my MFA and password rescue options?
  • Description of password rescue and MFA Options
  • Why are we doing this?
  • Places to launch your apps!

Google 2 factor error resolved for faculty and staff

Good news! We worked with Google Engineers and Support yesterday and were able to fix the error that many faculty and staff would get when they tried to sign into the email. The, "Your sign-in settings don't meet your organization's 2-step Verification policy" should no longer be a problem. Please contact the IT Help Desk if you continue to have this problem.

How often do I need to do the extra MFA step?

Remember that MFA makes it harder for a bad actor to gain access to your account and the sensitive data that your account allows you to access. MFA is something you know (like a password) and something you have (like a cell phone with an authenticator app or that gets sent a text message with a code).

How often you are prompted to perform the second MFA step will depend on a number of factors. We are still formulating the balance between ease of access and security and have already made some changes to reduce the number of times each user must use a second factor to authenticate. 

Here are some broadly applicable guidelines of how often you will need to use a second factor [MFA] when authenticating:
  • When it is the first time that you log into Malone services on a new computer or a different web browser on that computer.
  • When using a laptop and your physical or logical (Internet) location changes significantly. This could be as drastic as logging on in Canton and then flying to Chicago and reconnecting or as simple as connecting to Malone wifi and then later connecting with a Verizon wireless hotspot.
  • Depending on who you are, you might be prompted more often. If you have a job responsibility that gives you extra access to sensitive info, you may be prompted more often. If you are VP or the President, you may get prompted more often than if you are a student.
  • Depending on what service you are using, you may get prompted more often. Example: If you are using our VPN to connect to campus to perform remote work (faculty and staff), you will be asked to MFA EVERY TIME you connect.
  • As of this writing on Friday, 13 January 2023 and in most cases (except for those mentioned above), your MFA will last seven days. 

How do I change my MFA and password rescue options?

I have had a number of staff and faculty tell me that they set up their office phone to be called as one of their MFA options. This is fine as long as the only place you log into Malone systems is in your office. The next section of this post tells about the different options for MFA and password rescue, but if you want to change your MFA selections, you can do this from any Microsoft screen, say . can also click the Here are the steps to access your security settings click by click:
  1. From any Microsoft service, click your avatar/account icon in the top right corner:

  2. Click "View account" from the menu that appears.
  3. Find the card for "Security Info" and click it the "Update info" link on that card. You may need to MFA to access and change the settings.
  4. Review and update your sign-in methods.

The direct link to manage your Malone MS Azure account's security settings is:

If you have lost access to your MFA methods and are unable to access your account, you can contact the Help Desk and we will reset your MFA options so that you can re-enroll. 


Set up more than one MFA option in case one is unavailable.

Description of Password Rescue and Multifactor Options

We put together this slideshow to help guide folks through the MFA enrollment process. Click on the links to read about the different password rescue and MFA options.

Why are we doing this?

We know that this new process makes it take longer to sign into our systems. We know that it is inconvenient to have to carry or otherwise access that second factor to complete your sign-in. There are a few reasons we are doing this:
  1. To protect our data
  2. To enhance our online presence
  3. For regulatory compliance

To protect our data

Students, faculty, and staff have access to varying degrees of personal identifiable information [PII] and non-public personal information [NPI]. MFA prevents a would-be attacker from accessing your account because they do not have the second factor.

It also encourages good account behavior in that it is harder for people to share an account. Remember that you are responsible for any actions taken while your account is logged in. Never share your username and password credentials with others. 

To enhance our online presence

Adding this additional layer of security allows us to make more systems available securely online. More to come in this area, but we are excited to offer additional tools in the next couple years to students, faculty, and staff!

For regulatory compliance

Malone University is beholden to multiple federal and state regulations. Letter spaghetti includes but is not limited to GLBA, FERPA, HIPAA, HIPAA HITECH, FSA of DOE, Sarbanes-Oxley, etc. Many of these regulatory agencies and legislation require MFA in addition to other compliance regulations.

Places to launch your apps!

If you've read this far down, we hope these links made it worth it all! There are three places from which you can switch between applications. In many cases, you can get back and forth between the three.
  • The Launchpad on Malone Xpress:
  • The Microsoft Myapps platform: OR the grid icon while you are in a Microsoft app. It's located in the top left corner and looks like this: 

  • The Google Workspace App chooser located in the top right corner of a Google Workspace app:

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

SSO Transition Update #4 Google Workspace and Moodle

Happy New Year Malone Students, Faculty, and Staff!

We are moving both Moodle and Google Workspace (email, docs, etc.) over to the new single sign on [SSO] system this week - 3-6 January 2022. This means that all major systems will be using the new AzureAD SSO system prior to the beginning of the Spring semester.

As a reminder, you will need to set up BOTH your password recovery options as well as one or more multi-factor authentication [MFA] options.

Many of the questions we have been getting revolve around the particular screen shown above. Microsoft is encouraging you to download and install their Authenticator app. Here are the common questions and answers related to this screen:
  1. Some folks click through to download the app and choose the first option. This first option is an ad which is NOT from Microsoft. It is a third party authenticator app which, while legitimate, wants you to pay for its use. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY FOR AN APP TO USE MFA.
  2. If you are already using an MFA app, you do not need to download another one. Ones that we know work are LastPass, Google Authenticator, Salesforce Authenticator; the list is growing. Click the option that "I want to use a different authenticator app" and scan the QR code with your existing authenticator app (top arrow).
  3. You can use a different MFA method such as a text message. Use the link indicated by the bottom arrow and follow the prompts.


If you get a new phone, remember to transfer your MFA settings to the new device BEFORE you reset the old phone. The instructions will vary depending on which app you are using, but typically you will need to select the option to "export accounts" to another device. You will then be shown a QR code (on your old phone) which you can scan with your new phone.

Not correctly transferring your settings to the new phone before you give up the old device makes resetting your MFA more complex. 

Recovery Codes

When you first set up MFA for a service or system, you will also be given a "recovery code." Be sure to write this down or store it somewhere. Print it out and put it in a safe place. We do not recommend that you save it electronically. This recovery code can be used to reset MFA if your phone is lost, damaged, or no longer available. 

When you record that recovery code, make sure you mark it both for what it is and for which system, e.g., "Malone Single Sign On - username: recovery code: h@jkd JKHGJ H1234 322." You will end up with a recovery code for each service with which you have set up MFA (banking, github, government, social media accounts, etc.). Remember that you can use the same authenticator app for many, if not all, of your online systems.

This and other Malone IT systems changes

You can view our Maintenance calendar which shows planned changes to Malone IT systems as well as unplanned outages using this calendar. This calendar is also published on Malone Xpress.

Please contact the IT Help Desk if you have any questions or issues. We can be reached via email at , via the web at or by phone at 330.471.8428.