Friday, March 5, 2021

Ways to use tech to further the University's Mission

Hello Malone Students, Faculty, and Staff:

This week's IT blog is a slight lane change from what you might be used to seeing. In this edition:

  • Why do we do what we do? Students who go out and, "...serve the church community and world."
  • Seven ways to use tech to further the mission.
Have a blessed week!


Why do we do what we do? Students who go out and "... serve the church community and world."

I have a personal mission statement. "I help others help others [often through technology]." This is why I love my job as the Chief Infomation Officer at Malone University. Because my team and I keep tech running, the campus at large gets to send several hundred men and women out each year to serve. As our campus mission states
" develop men and women in intellectual maturity, wisdom, and Christian faith who are committed to serving the church, community, and world." 

We get excited when we hear about what our students, faculty, staff, and alumni are doing. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni who are having lasting personal impacts on the people around them. Just this past month we've had two great examples (I am sure they are more than just two!). The first is in the Canton Repository about women's softball making a dying girl's dream come true and the second - also in the Rep - about grad students helping residents of the Haven of Rest shelter. We love our students! If we can play even a small part in our students and alumni caring for others, we happily jump into that effort. We leap. We help others help others.

I recently spoke with my team and was pleased to hear that many of them echo a similar missional attitude. I asked them what Malone was here to do. Comments such as "furthering God's kingdom," "forwarding the mission of the University", "molding future leaders and professionals", or help students "develop as a person" were the rule -- not the exception -- to their answers. 

Seven ways to use tech to further the mission

The following ideas are simple suggestions for how to use the tech resources we have on campus to better serve our students. This list is targeted at staff and faculty, but I am sure there are some things that students will also find useful.

1. Keep your Calendar up-to-date and share your free busy information

Each student, faculty, and staff member has access to a personal calendar through Google workspace (this is the new name for Gsuite). Keeping your calendar up-to-date means that Admissions can schedule students to meet with Faculty, peers can easily coordinate meetings. This straight-forward act can save a lot of time and frustration when trying to get people together. 

Setting up and maintaining this is as simple as one, two three...

One. Set your business hours. Go into your calendar settings and browse to the  "working hours" section. Set your business hours where you are available for meetings. It will look something like the image above when it is set up correctly!

Two. Make sure that you have shared your free/busy information to all of Malone University. In the "Access Permissions" section for your personal named calendar, make sure the "Make available for Malone University" checkbox is checked and that the menu next to it says "See only free/busy (hide details)" option is selected. This will allow others to schedule meetings with you when you don't already have a meeting.

You can also selectively share your calendar information to associates and peers using the "Share with specific people" section just under the "Access permissions" section. I share my meeting details with my staff so they know where I am.

Three. Maintain your schedule. If you have classes, schedule them on your calendar. If you have a meeting or are going to be away, then put it on the calendar. Don't be afraid to set up blocks of time to indicate when you can't meet too!

2. Use EDUROAM for your wifi connection

There are two networks on Malone's campus, EDUROAM and Malone-Guest. Choose EDUROAM for your best wifi connection. Follow the guidelines in FAQ188 to connect. Be sure to use your full email address for the username!! EDUROAM also lets you connect to different wifi all over the world. View all the places that EDUROAM is available at

3. Chat

A relatively new feature in Google workspace is "Chat." This is an instant messaging and group chatting app that behaves a lot like Slack if you are familiar with that tool. The IT department uses Google Chat to interact with each other both one-to-one and many-to-many through the use of rooms. There is also a chat app available for your smartphone (iOS and Android). 

Google Chat allows you to send data and information back and forth quickly using your PC or smartphone. Remember to not send sensitive information using this channel. Use it in a similar fashion as how you use email. Rooms can be set up for committees, projects, whatever.

4. Leverage lecture capture and recording facilities in Google Meet and Zoom

We have been using Zoom and Google Meet all year to meet both in and out of class. Be sure to use the record function to record presentations and lectures so that you can use them later or provide them to students for review.

5. "Help" button in the classroom

If you run into trouble in the classroom, look for the "Help" button on the black control panel located in nearly every classroom on campus. This will page IT personnel who will come to your assistance.

6. Meeting spaces with wireless video tech

I know we have gotten out of the habit of meeting in person, but - when the time comes again [and we hope very soon!] - be sure to check out the meeting spaces with wireless video tech located throughout the library Timken Center for Student Success and the RH300 "Hub" meeting space. These standing tables and wall-mounted TVs offer wired and wireless video for Apple and Android devices. HDMI ports enable a quick connection for your laptop or other wired device too!

7. Malone phone from home

Staff who need to work from home have the ability to use a softphone on their smartphone or computer which will allow them to be contacted to/from their Malone number. Be sure to contact the Help Desk if you want to be set up with this functionality. FAQ389 has additional details.

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