Monday, January 23, 2023

Google Meet Use - recording and presentation tools

Hello Everyone (especially Teaching Faculty):

We have gotten several calls this past week about recording in Google Meet. This week's post (a little late) shows you

  • How to schedule a recurring Google Meet for a class and who can and cannot record a meeting
  • Where the recording tools are located in Google Meet 
  • How to generate transcripts and information on attendance tracking.
  • Other activities like whiteboard, Q&A, and polling features.
  • Where recordings are stored (Your google drive "meet recordings" folder) and how long they're retained.

This week's post is about Google Meet use. Google changed the location of the recording mechanism; moving it into the activity menu. I created a brief video on how to schedule a Google Meet and how to navigate to the activity tools and record your presentation.

Who can Record?

Anyone who is listed as an instructor in a current or upcoming course has the ability to record. This is programmatically set. If you are an instructor, but you lack the ability to record your presentation, make sure that the meeting was scheduled by you and not someone else. 

Recording management

All Google Meet recording are stored in a folder on Google Drive called "Meet Recordings". Recording will last ninety (90) days after which they will be automatically discarded. If you want to keep a recording longer than that, you will need to download it from your Google drive to another location. It can then be re-uploaded into another location on Google Drive. You cannot just move the recording to another location in drive. 

Reach out to the IT Help Desk if you are having any trouble recording or have any questions about Google Meet use. We can be reached via email at , via the web at or by phone at 330.471.8428.

Quick Start for Using Google Meet for recording of synchronous meetings

A less than seven minute tutorial on Google meet recording including transcript and attendance files.

More Resources for Google Meet

There is a fairly exhaustive list of resources located in Google's Help documentation for Google Meet. Pay especial attention to the "during the meeting" section to learn how to use the different features.

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